My AirPods no longer light up: Causes & Solutions

Posted by "OneEarPod" on

Your AirPods no longer light up and you're worried? Understandable, that's annoying. But that can be fixed. On this page we look at the most common causes and the respective solutions. Let's get started straight away: 

1. Battery problems

Sometimes the reason why the AirPods no longer light up is simpler than expected: the AirPods or the charging case are completely discharged.

Make sure that both the AirPods and the charging case are sufficiently charged. Connect the case to a working charging cable and power adapter and wait a few minutes to see if there is a response and the LED light turns on again.

2. Dirty contacts

Dirty or deposits in the charging contacts of the case or the AirPods can lead to charging problems. Use a soft, dry cloth to gently clean the charging contacts in the case and the AirPods. Be careful not to apply excessive pressure. Here you can find detailed instructions for cleaning AirPods and cases. 

3. Defective charging cable or power supply

There may be a problem with the cable or power adapter you use to charge the charging case. Therefore, try a different charging cable and power adapter to make sure that the problem is not with one of these components.

4. Software & Firmware Update & Reset Airpods

Junge Frau hört AirPods

It is possible that outdated software on your AirPods or the associated device (e.g. iPhone) may cause problems with the LED light function or other features of the AirPods. If your AirPods' firmware or your iOS device's software is out of date, this could lead to a number of issues, including but not limited to the status LED not lighting up.

Here is the solution:

1. Update AirPods firmware:

Unfortunately, there is no direct method to manually update the AirPods' firmware. They typically update automatically when connected to an iOS device that is connected to the internet.

Make sure your AirPods are connected to your iPhone or iPad and both devices have an internet connection. Then place the AirPods in their charging case. The lid is open. Leave it near your iOS device for some time; the update should happen automatically in the background

2. Update iOS software:

Go to Settings > General > Software Update on your iPhone or iPad and check if an update is available. If yes, download and install it.

3. Reset connection:

Remove the AirPods from the list of Bluetooth devices on your iPhone, then reconnect them. This may resolve existing minor software issues.

More rarely, it can also happen that there is an internal defect that means the light no longer works.

4. Restart the associated device:

Simply restarting your iPhone or iPad can also help resolve temporary software issues.

5. Restart the associated device: 

Simply restarting your iPhone or iPad can also help resolve temporary software issues.

5. Hardware defect

More rarely, there may be an internal defect that means the light no longer works. A hardware defect refers to physical damage or defects within the device that cannot be corrected by a simple reset.

If you're still having problems after ruling out software issues and trying to reset the AirPods, you can contact Apple Support.

If your AirPods are no longer under warranty or if the defect is not covered by warranty, Apple offers a paid repair service.

Even if the defect is determined to be due to misuse, accident or other third-party interference, the warranty may not cover the repair.

6. Request new AirPods or replacement parts

If you no longer have a warranty or the warranty does not cover the repair, it is often worth buying new AirPods. The repair is often relatively expensive.

By purchasing new AirPods, you not only have a new device with full battery life and a new warranty, but in many cases you also have a newer version of AirPods with the latest technology, improved sound quality and additional functions for little extra cost.

It may also be that the AirPods no longer light up because only one of the AirPods is defective. In this case, you can purchase a single AirPod in our online shop.

The manufacturer usually does not offer the option of purchasing individual components of a bundle separately. For example, if only your right AirPod is broken, you would normally be forced to purchase a whole new bundle, which is costly and not economical.

Here, however, you have the option of purchasing AirPods individually and saving money in this way. We buy original bundles and dismantle them into their individual parts. This ensures that you retain the full manufacturer's warranty, even if you only purchase a replacement part.

Frequently asked questions

What to do if AirPods no longer light up?

If the LED indicator on your AirPods no longer lights up, this could indicate various problems. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Fully charge AirPods and charging case
  2. Cleaning the charging contacts
  3. Try a different charging cable and power supply to rule out a defect
  4. Software & Firmware Update
  5. Reset the AirPods
  6. If there is a defect, have the warranty checked and repaired, if repaired it is free of charge
  7. If the warranty is no longer valid, buy new AirPods as the repair is too expensive

Can the battery of AirPods break? 

Yes, the AirPods battery can lose capacity over time and ultimately fail, as with all rechargeable batteries.

How do Airpods light up when charging? 

During charging, the LED indicator on the AirPods charging case shows the charging status as follows:

Green: The AirPods are fully charged
Orange: The AirPods are charging, but are still not fully charged

If you take the AirPods out of the charging case and only the case is charging, the LED shows the charging status of the case. 

What to do if the AirPods are broken? 

If your AirPods are broken, you can take the following steps:

  1. Fix as described in this article
  2. Apple Contact Support
  3. Check warranty
  4. Weigh repair options
  5. Be careful with third-party repairs
  6. Consider upgrading and purchase new AirPods if necessary

When does AirPod Case light up? 

The AirPods charging case has an LED indicator that lights up in different colors in different situations to indicate the status of the AirPods and the case itself.

  1. When loading:
  • Green: The case is fully charged
  • Orange: The case is loading, but is not yet fully loaded
  • When the AirPods are in the case, the colors indicate the battery status of the AirPods. If the AirPods are not in the case, the colors indicate the battery level of the case.
  1. When pairing with a device:
  • Blinking white: The AirPods are ready to be paired with a device
  1. Error condition:
  • Flashing red: This may indicate a problem with the AirPods or the case itself, such as: B. if the AirPods are not positioned correctly or if there is a hardware problem.

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